The Wall / Muren / الجدار
The Wall in Abu Dis, Westbank.
Dad Amer with the youngest son on his way home from school.
The wall has taken three quarters of Assad Arafat's commercial garden in Qalqylia.
Dorothy and her husband, Israel Naer, from Israel are supporting the Palestinian family Amer living in the West Bank, now caught by the illegal wall.
Thirty Jewish activists trying to stop the wall are arrested.
The Israeli army in attack against Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators.
22 houses have been demolished by Israel in the Palestinian village of Walaja.
In the city of Abu Dis, the wall separates the Palestinian families from each other.
Thirty Jewish activists trying to stop the wall are arrested.
The TV antenna and the tree are all seen by Abu Mohammed's house.
The wall
YEAR 2005
TRAVELS TO Palestine and Israel
ASSIGNED BY Leopard förlag
Israel's wall divide Palestinian villages and towns. In its shadow settlers strengthens its grip over Palestinian land. The settlements are expanding. Palestinian unemployment increases, as well as poverty and family structures are shattered. The entire Palestinian society is fragmented. we met people whose lives were dramatically changed by the wall.