
Omslag Tolerans_500.png

How do we deal with the growing racism and xenophobia in society? Should we kill the racists or should we debate? Should we freeze them out or invite them in our rooms? Should we use arguments or address the feelings? Should we demonstrate in the streets or start facebook groups?

In this project and book, thirty people with different backgrounds, gender, religion and political affiliation gather together and talk about their view on racism and Sweden and what we should do about it. It's about all of us, about our common society. It's about morality, democracy and solidarity. It's about tolerance. It is about the fact that all human beings are equal.



EDITORS Elcim Yilmaz, Krister Insulander, Donald Boström
COVER DESIGN Donald Boström
TYPE Danish
LENGHT 128 pages
YEAR 2014
SIZE 135 x 190 mm
PUBLISHER Hydra Förlag
ISBN 978-91-86185-24-4